chinese spirit: the spirit of the jinggangshan -凯发网

chinese spirit: the spirit of the jinggangshan

source:| published: 2018-02-08

it’s on this red land, featured with surging gan river and towering jinggang mountains,

that the chinese communists

represented by mao zedong lit the spark of revolution,

opened a path of success for the chinese revolution

and fostered the jinggangshan spirit which passed down from generation to generation.

in february 2016,

general secretary xi jinping visited jiangxi

and his first leg was jinggangshan - "the cradle of the chinese revolution”.

what excatly is jinggangshan spirit?

"today, under the new circumstances of this age,

we must persist in following our ideals resolutely, blazing new trail in a down-to-earth manner,

overcoming difficulties with our hard work and relying on the masses for our victory,

so that the jinggangshan spirit will glitter with the glory of the new era.”

general secretary xi jinping interpreted the profound connotation

of jinggangshan spirit with his strong words.

previously, xi jinping ascended the peak of jinggang mountains twice.

in march 2006,

xi jinping, party secretary of zhejiang province,

led the cpcandgovernment delegation from zhejiang province

to the red land of jiangxi province to study the revolutionary tradition,

especially the jinggangshan spirit.

in october 2008,

xi jinping, member of standing committee of political bureau of cpc central committee,

secretary of cpc central secretariat

and vice president of china,

made a special trip to jinggangshan

and visited the ciping revolutionary residence site

and the jinggangshan revolutionary museum during his inspection tour to jiangxi.

in february 2016, when asended the peak of the magnificent jinggang mountains for the third time,

secretary general xi jinping said emotionally, “the most precious heritage of the jinggangshan period is the jinggangshan spirit

which transcends the limits of time and space.”

the debilitating and deadly long march didn’t stop us from pursuing our original goal.

the path on the jinggang mountains will lead us to the broad way of china’s great rejuvenation

and the light from chairman mao’s room will continue to shine on the communists’ journey of struggle.

in the new era,

we shall closely unite around the cpc central committee with comrade xi jinping as the core,

let the jinggangshan spirit shine brighter,

guide us to inherit the red genes

and inspire us to forge ahead in the critical phase of the new journey of building an all-round well-off society,

realizing the china dream in a down-to-earth manner despite all the difficulties,

and constantly push forward the cause of benefiting the people.
