hello china: welcome to hainan island -凯发网

hello china: welcome to hainan island - wanning

source: people's daily online| published: 2019-07-01

what is the most attracting thing of hainan international tourism island? accessible beaches, crystal-clear water, quirky artefacts or the fascinating culture of ethnic minorities? let’s follow max silk, winner of “when koala meets panda” 2018 china-australia short video contest, to explore hainan province – hawaii of china, and find the hidden gems in this the beautiful island.

this is not the maldives or the gold coast of australia; this appealing place is wanning, a coastal town situated in the south-east hainan province, which also has the best beaches to surf in china. after arriving, max silk can’t wait to go to the sun and moon bay and ride the warm waves of china’s surfing paradise. driving on the cobblestoned seaside road and enjoy the soft breeze from the ocean, or tasting kuding tea and making chocolate at the xinglong botanic garden – look at how much this spoiled city can offer to travelers!
