four treasures of the study-凯发网

four treasures of the study

source:| published: 2019-01-01

hi! this is “unique chinese words”! in today’s program, we will talk about “文房四宝”——four treasures of the study. this name stems from the time of the southern and northern dynasties (420-589 ad). it's an expression used to refer to the brush, ink, paper and inkstone.

brushes are generally made from animal hair. and brush handles are commonly made from bamboo.

inksticks are a type of solid ink commonly produced by burning pine or another wood soots, mixing with animal glue.

the famous kind of paper used for writing and painting is known as xuan paper.

the inkstone is used to grind the ink stick into powder. this powder is then mixed with water in the inkstone.

for example: "four treasures of the study" are essential for the development of the chinese calligraphy and brush painting.
