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little big china - the ice hockey team

source: china plus| published: 2017-02-24

as part hc kunlun red star, china's first team in the khl, zach yeun made history as the first chinese heritage hockey player to score a goal in the league. hockey is a developing sport in china, and their khl team is looking to become a figurehead for aspiring chinese hockey players. despite some early hurdles, such a playing in shanghai, due to a booked out home rink in beijing, and a small, but growing hockey fan base, hc kunlun red star currently stands in 5th place for their division.

as china gears up to host the 2022 winter olympics, we take a look at what kind of winter sports and activities are on offer in china - from swimming in ice water to hitting the snow routes. although not a big player in the winter sports scene, china is increasingly growing its athletes and enjoyment of the sport.

in the first season of little big china, we look at how winter sports are developing, and what kind of activities china offers and can continue to offer aspiring winter athletes.

nb: khl is the second best international professional hockey league in the world (second to nhl).
