hello china: friendly shandong -凯发网

hello china: friendly shandong - jinan

source: people's daily online| published: 2019-10-29

the first impression that shandong province gives to everyone is majestic and beautiful nature views. slow down for an in-depth tour of this coastal province in northern china. you’ll find that hospitable locals are another name card of this place. let’s now follow clint, the "best cooperation award” winner of “when koala meets panda” 2018 china-australia short video contest, to taste some seafood, drink local beer, travel to famous mountains, and experience the locals’ real hospitality in shandong.

would you like to have a cup of tea with rich aroma and good taste? would you like to learn about chinese ageless buddhism culture? in this episode, clint will bring us to “city of springs”—jinan, to view the beautiful landscape of the city from dawn to dusk, taste the best tea with spring water and experience the charm of buddhism culture. what are you waiting for? take part in clint’s jinan trip.
