tingjiang national wetland park in se china-凯发网

tingjiang national wetland park in se china

source: xinhua| published: 2021-04-11

tingjiang national wetland park is located on the banks of the tingjiang river in the southern part of changting county, southeast china's fujian province.

it is constructed in accordance with aaaa-level scenic spots. the total area is 590.9 hectares, of which the wetland area is 466.8 hectares, accounting for 79% of the total area, including the tingjiang river and its tributaries 28.5 kilometers.

the park takes the protection of hakka's mother river-tingjiang as the theme, and at the same time displays the results of soil erosion control in changting, and has built a national wetland park integrating river wetland protection and restoration, ecological civilization education, scientific research monitoring, and leisure experience.

tingjiang national wetland park is the fourth national wetland in fujian province and the only river beach wetland.
