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globalink | chinese high-speed railway rerouted for water diversion project

source: xinhua| published: 2021-04-28

chinese workers on monday night managed to reroute a section of high-speed railway in east china's anhui province for a major water diversion project, local constructors said tuesday.

about 1,300 workers were sent to work on a 1.4-km section of the shanghai-chengdu railway, said zhang xinyi, head of the project with china tiesiju civil engineering group co., ltd.

the workers connected the existing section of the shanghai-chengdu railway in feixi county of hefei, capital city of anhui, with a new section in around seven hours. the work was completed overnight to prevent disruptions to the railway schedule.

launched in march 2019, the railway rerouting is part of a key national project to divert water from the yangtze river to the huaihe river. the previous railway bridge at the section cannot meet the new navigation requirements of the water diversion project.

the shanghai-chengdu high-speed railway started operation in april 2009, with a designed top speed of 250 km per hour. more than 70 sets of bullet trains run on the railway daily.
