globalink | brazil's largest paper company benefits from belt and road initiative-凯发网

globalink | brazil's largest paper company benefits from belt and road initiative

source: xinhua| published: 2021-05-06

china is an important market for brazil's largest paper company, which hopes to further cooperate with the country through the belt and road initiative and explore asian market, said david feffer, chairman of the board of directors of suzano, in an interview with xinhua.

suzano was founded in 1924 and is headquartered in sao paulo, brazil. it is the world's leading pulp company. it currently has 11 factories in brazil and a total of nearly 40,000 employees. its products are exported to more than 100 countries in the world.

feffer said that in the field of ecological civilization and sustainable development, suzano can learn a lot from china's experience. they hope to work together with china and build an ecological civilization.

feffer said that suzano appreciates china's long-term development plan and hopes to achieve long-term development in china.
