globalink | construction of china-凯发网

globalink | construction of china-aided vocational training institute completed in pakistan's gwadar

source: xinhua| published: 2021-10-04

the completion ceremony of a china-donated vocational training institute was held on friday in gwadar of pakistan's southwest balochistan province.

as an important project for public well-being under the china-pakistan economic corridor (cpec), the gwadar technical and vocational institute was constructed by the china harbor engineering company, to meet the urgent need of the locals in gwadar and promote the sustainable development of the area.

addressing the ceremony, chairman of the gwadar port authority naseer khan kashani expressed his gratitude to china for the grant of the project and to the chinese engineers and workers who have completed this institute ahead of schedule despite the impact of the covid-19 pandemic.

kashani said that pakistan has benefited a lot from the energy and transport infrastructure projects under cpec, while the socio-economic projects of the corridor are also very important for the south asian country.

in a video message, chinese ambassador to pakistan nong rong said the completion of the institute marks a great milestone of cpec, and is also a long-expected event for the gwadar people.

the technical and vocational institute has facilities for teaching and training and dormitories. the construction of the project started in january 2020.
