globalink | smart logistics zone realizes carbon neutrality in nw china-凯发网

globalink | smart logistics zone realizes carbon neutrality in nw china

source: xinhua| published: 2022-04-23

the "asia no.1" smart logistics center in northwest china's xi'an, run by china's online retailer giant, has realized carbon neutrality.

the smart logistics center was put into operation in 2019. with a floor space of nearly 300,000 square meters, the warehouse facility can sort half a million packages a day on average.

the 100,000-square-meter photovoltaic power generation equipment, covering the warehouse roof, supports the operation of the logistics center.

the green power serves the automation equipment of the center and charges the electric vehicles during the daytime. at night, the energy storage devices can release the green electricity which has been stored during the daytime to meet the peak demand.

the residual emissions of the smart logistics center are offset by purchasing the china certified emissions reductions.
