globalink | wuhan: a city of wetlands-凯发网

globalink | wuhan: a city of wetlands

source: xinhua| published: 2022-11-05

wuhan in central china is the main venue of the 14th cop meeting on wetland conservation.

the 14th meeting of the conference of the contracting parties to the ramsar convention on wetlands (cop14) is held from nov. 5 to 13.

it is the first time such a meeting has been hosted in china. a parallel session will be held in geneva, switzerland.

wuhan sits at the confluence of the yangtze river and its longest tributary the han river.

it boasts more than 1,600 square km of wetlands, which account for 18.9 percent of the city's total area.

the city has 165 rivers, 166 lakes, five wetland nature reserves and ten wetland parks.

wuhan's wetlands are home to more than 400 wild animal species and over 400 plant species.

earlier this year, wuhan was awarded the title of "international wetland city" in recognition of its achievement in urban wetland ecological protection.
