globalink | white swans flock to yellow river wetland in c china for wintering-凯发网

globalink | white swans flock to yellow river wetland in c china for wintering

source: xinhua| published: 2022-12-19

over 10,000 white swans have flown from siberia to the yellow river wetland in sanmenxia city, central china's henan province to spend winter.

over the years, sanmenxia has made relentless efforts in wetland protection and restoration.

the habitat of the white swans has been expanded from more than 10 square km in the past to more than 130 square km.

cattail grass, reeds, water lilies and other aquatic plants which white swans like to eat have been planted to attract more of them to come here for wintering.

meanwhile, 24-hour patrol teams have also been dispatched to better protect the birds.
