one african's obsession with chinese traditional dance-凯发网

one african's obsession with chinese traditional dance

source: xinhua| published: 2015-06-27

21 year old wynn kendi karen is a student at the confucious institute at the university of nairobi , the kenya capital. wynn would never imagine that one day she could fall in love with the chinese traditional dance. 

according to her chinese dancing teacher, wang duo, wynn is one of the best students in the school's dancing club.wynne says compared to kenya dances which are mostly vigorous, the chinese dances are more soothing and relaxed.wynn 's favourite is chinese traditional minzu dance. 

during the the 14th chinese language proficiency competition for foreign students in kenya, wynn performed the silk dance and received a thunderous applause. wynn has secured herself a scholarship in china for one year.she dreams to spread the rich chinese culture to other students in kenya later in life.
