chinese spirit: the spirit of lüliang-凯发网

chinese spirit: the spirit of lüliang

source:| published: 2018-04-25

on his inspection trip to shanxi on june 21, 2017, general secretary xi jinping stressed that:

"in the era of revolutionary wars, 

the sons and daughters of lüliang created the great spirit of lüliang with blood and life.

this spirit must live on today.

we will continue to fight for a happy life for the people and for the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation. ”

the spirit lüliang has been given a new meaning today. 

the spirit of lüliang not only has its own distinctive characteristics,

but also is in line with the great spirits of the party, such as the spirit of jinggangshan, 

of the long march, of yan'an, and of taihang.

lüliang city, located in the central and western part of shanxi province,

derives its name from the lüliang mountains running from north to south through the city.

it dates back to thousands of years ago to its establishment as an administrative region in the spring and autumn period (770 bce - 476 bce). 

during the revolutionary wars,

the first armed force of workers and peasants and the first county-level communist government in shanxi were born there.

it was the main battlefield of the red army's eastern expeditions,

the capital of the jin-sui border region, and the seat of the cpc central committee’s home front committee.

at that time, lüliang, home to 100,000 troops, one tenth of whom lost their lives,

made a significant contribution to the victory of the revolution.

the spirit of lüliang was a result of the efforts of innumerable revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed their lives. 

over the long years, this red spirit gradually solidifies into a short sentence, 

“work hard, keep a global vision, strive for self-improvement, and dare to innovate". 

hard work is the cornerstone, global vision the core, 

striving for self-improvement the essence, and daring to innovate the soul.

in the new historical era,

shanxi is in a critical period of “transformative development and leapfrog development”

and faces more arduous tasks and tougher tests. 

the spirit of lüliang has become a powerful ethical force that inspires lüliang and even the entire shanxi province

to seize the opportunities, meet the challenges and build a new lüliang and shanxi province.

a great era gives birth to great spirits

and great spirits realize great dreams.

xi jinping has repeatedly stressed that 

the chinese nation has a spirit of perseverance, vitality and tenacity.

to realize the chinese dream, we must foster the chinese spirit,

which includes the spirit of lüliang.
