xinjiang in 24 hours-凯发网

xinjiang in 24 hours

source: people's daily| published: 2019-12-04

within 24 hours, what's happening in northwest china's xinjiang uygur autonomous region?

07:00 hami

dawn falls at xingxingxia (meaning "star gorge") passage, the east gate of xinjiang.

08:00 changji

tianchi lake is surrounded by mountains, the greenish-blue water here is radiant like jade.

09:00 altay

in the morning, kanas is quiet and far away, like an intoxicating wonderland.

10:00 kashgar

kashgar, an ancient city along the silk road, makes a new appearance.

11:00 urumqi

the china-europe trains set out for the world.

12:00 changji

tbea electric "equips the world" with advanced technology.

13:00 kashgar

special delicacies are put on the table to amaze your taste buds.

14:00 turpan

come to this beautiful and magical place and listen to the story of journey to the west.

15:00 shihezi

new technologies help boost the upgrade of industries and agricultural production strides forward.

16:00 kizilsu kirghiz autonomous prefecture

the orchard is diffused with the sweet perfumes of fruit.

17:00 karamay

the devil's city is a place of mystery.

18:00 yili prefecture

ten thousand horses gallop on the zhaosu grassland.

19:00 aksu

a breeze blows over the kekeya ecological barrier.

20:00 bayingol mongolian autonomous prefecture

the sunset glows over the surface of bosten lake as fishermen harvest the fish in their nets.

21:00 changji

a thousand journeys to the western regions presents a feast of song and dance.

22:00 hotan

all night long, the cadres in xinjiang have been working conscientiously to serve the people.

23:00 hotan

the "night banquet" opens with lots of extraordinary food.

00:00 urumqi

neon lights flash and the evening lights are on, representing a bustling scene.

01:00 bortala mongol autonomous prefecture

lights flicker along the banks of the bortala river.

02:00 urumqi

the brightly lit diwopu international airport is still filled with passengers .

03:00 urumqi

firefighters are on standby to keep civilians safe.

04:00 aksu

the taklimakan desert is dreamlike, starry and magnificent.

05:00-06:00tacheng prefecture

border guards stick dutifully to their task in the border areas of the motherland.

within 24 hours, we see the achievements made in the past 70 glorious years.

within 24 hours, we look back at the history of the ancient silk road.

within 24 hours, we feel the infinite charm of nature and humanity

within 24 hours, we see the remarkable achievements during the development of western china.

within 24 hours, we look forward to flourishing prosperity.

xinjiang in 24 hours, a story of perfection and prosperity. 
