shanghai coronavirus vlog: the end of a chapter as the sun returns to shanghai-凯发网

shanghai coronavirus vlog: the end of a chapter as the sun returns to shanghai

source: shine| published: 2020-03-07

it's with bittersweet feelings that i post my last daily covid-19 video today. it's been a roller coaster ride over the past several weeks, and i thank you guys for coming along with me.

i shot my first daily vlog on the 27th of january, 2020, not long after news of this new virus sent wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak, into lockdown as the world watched on nervously.

every day i went out to capture the mood and the struggles on the streets, usually around my neighborhood, with the aim of helping as many others see the situation here as possible. i mostly tried to keep a smile on my face, and not think too much about the severity of the situation.

slowly my daily vlogs built up more and more dedicated viewers, including others who were in the same boat as me, or those around the world who wanted to know more.

pretty soon my daily updates became a habit for many of you. i know that because of the dozens and dozens of comments and emails we received, both public and private. i read every single one, even if i didn't have the chance to reply or read your comment in a video.

in retrospect i've come to realize that in a way, my videos were a way for me to face this new and scary situation with purpose and a goal. through my journey i truly learned so much.

now that the situation in china is getting better by the day, and the sunlight of the coming spring is beginning to warm the air, i feel it's time to pull back. i'll still be producing one or two vlogs a week as we keep up the battle against novel coronavirus, and i hope you'll stick around to watch.

but i want to say thank you, and i hope my videos were as much help for you as they were for me.
