south african doctor in china: wenzhou is in good order-凯发网

south african doctor in china: wenzhou is in good order

source: china story| published: 2020-03-09

brett lyndall singh is a master’s degree graduate, majoring in pediatrics and currently doing clinical practice and research in the second affiliated hospital and yuying children’s hospital of wenzhou medical university (wmu), east china’s zhejiang province. 

amid the outbreak of covid-19, singh chose to stay and hold his ground with the chinese people.

nowadays, due to the decisive and effective measures taken by the chinese government and chinese people, the epidemic prevention and control in china is achieving steady progress and positive development. with china sharing its experiences with other countries on containing the spread of covid-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, is nothing short of excellence, experts from the world health organization said on tuesday. 

singh shared with china story that both the university and the hospital are in good order, click to find out what measures have been taken!
