shanghai coronavirus vlog: attending online school with a 9-凯发网

shanghai coronavirus vlog: attending online school with a 9-year-old primary school student

source: shine| published: 2020-03-10

for me, memories of my days in primary school are actually hard to muster up.

okay, i'm showing my age here, but if it's any consolation i got to create some new school memories recently when i experienced home schooling with 9-year-old haibao at her grandparents' home.

her situation is the same as millions of other students all across china as schools remain closed due to the ongoing novel coronavirus situation.

haibao says she prefers going to school, and that she really misses her friends. but despite the circumstances which have led to her making her grandparents' lives a bit more hectic than usual, she's up to the challenge.

check out andy's video taking class with haibao above.
