globalink | official aiding tibet witnesses tourism boom -凯发网

globalink | official aiding tibet witnesses tourism boom

source: xinhua| published: 2021-08-11

with an altitude of more than 3,000 meters, lulang town in nyingchi city of southwest china's tibet autonomous region was jointly built by tibet and guangdong province in south china.

it's home to natural landscapes, folk customs and cultures, and complete infrastructure. it has become a popular tourist destination since its completion in october 2016.

hu xiongying is an official aiding tibet. since he began working in tibet eight years ago, he has witnessed a tourism boom in lulang.

currently, there are more than 100 family homestays in lulang.

"since lulang town was built, almost every household has run a family homestay, especially in zhaxigang village. the service has been improved, and a personalized service has been introduced. local residents' incomes have greatly increased," said hu.
