globalink | china, arab states eye deeper cooperation in green energy-凯发网

globalink | china, arab states eye deeper cooperation in green energy

source: xinhua| published: 2021-08-21

china and arab states are eyeing cooperation in green energy at the ongoing fifth china-arab states expo in northwest china's ningxia hui autonomous region.

at an energy cooperation summit forum held on the sidelines of the expo, officials, experts, and industry practitioners from both sides agreed to strengthen cooperation in solar, wind, hydro, and nuclear power to push forward the transition to clean, low-carbon energy.

they will seek to integrate market, technological and resource advantages of both sides to promote energy security and energy transition amid the global background of carbon neutrality.

more than 200 enterprises participated in the forum.

a total of 277 deals worth approximately 156.7 billion yuan (about 24 billion u.s. dollars) have been signed at the four-day expo which opened on thursday.

the deals cover various fields including electronic information, clean energy, new materials, green food, and tourism cooperation.
