globalink | ne china village protecting endangered migratory birds for 12 years-凯发网

globalink | ne china village protecting endangered migratory birds for 12 years

source: xinhua| published: 2022-03-05

zhangjia village in lyushunkou district of dalian, a coastal city in northeast china's liaoning province, attracts flocks of migrating oriental white storks every winter.

the oriental white stork is a migratory bird under first-class national protection in china and listed as endangered by the international union for conservation of nature.

twelve years ago, a local villager rescued an oriental white stork. since then, more and more villagers have been engaged in the protection of endangered species.

after a short stay in the village, the birds will keep moving south. however, some old and young birds who have difficulty flying will choose to stay. volunteers in the village feed them twice a day.

now the oriental white stork attracts many photographers and tourists every year. the beautiful creature has become a symbol of the village.
