stories shared by xi jinping: hero soldier wang jie-凯发网

stories shared by xi jinping: hero soldier wang jie

source: xinhua| published: 2019-08-02

a story shared by xi jinping: hero soldier wang jie died while trying to save 12 others. his spirit has been an inspiration for millions of chinese.

after wang died, his diary became known to the public.

on july 28, 1964, wang jie wrote, "what is happiness? happiness lies in serving the people."

on may 1, 1965, wang jie wrote, "we should fear neither hardship nor death."

on dec. 13, 2017, chinese president xi jinping visited the troop unit where wang jie once served.

xi says he learned about wang's story when he was a teenager and he has always since considered him to be a hero.

wang has been named one of 100 touching china figures since new china's founding in 1949.

xinhua news agency correspondents reporting from xuzhou, china.(xhtv)


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