stories shared by xi jinping: heartwarming half-凯发网

stories shared by xi jinping: heartwarming half-quilt

source: xinhua| published: 2019-08-07

"who are communist party members? the people who have only one quilt, but give half to the people."

having waited for decades, xu jiexiu never again met the three red army soldiers.

however, the half-quilt they gifted to xu helped her remain warm-hearted, grateful and strong through difficult times.

she kept telling this story to her children and grandchildren and the memories never faded from her mind.

it was a rainy winter night in 1934. the workers' and peasants' red army of china passed through shazhou and sought rest there during the long march, a military maneuver from 1934 to 1936.

villagers fled in fear of being robbed...previously, such violence had been inflicted by various military personnel.

but xu was one of the few who stayed, with her one-year-old son to look after.

she realized these soldiers were different because they offered their help.

xu saw three rain-soaked female soldiers and, although initially scared, welcomed them into her home.

zhu shuhua, xu's great-granddaughter:

"when the soldiers entered my great-grandmother’s wing-room, they found there were only worn-out batt and straw rain cape on the crude bed. the soldiers took out the only cotton quilt they had and covered my great-grandmother, her son and themselves up. it was a night none of them would ever forget. in the meantime, my great-grandfather stood guard outside the house."

upon departing, the soldiers left the quilt to xu so she could withstand harsh winter weather conditions. quite selflessly, xu declined the gift because she didn’t want to take the soldiers’ only quilt.

ultimately, one soldier took out scissors and cut the quilt in half.

the soldiers promised they would return after their victory to provide xu with a brand new quilt.

the elderly xu said, "who are the communist party members? the people who have only one quilt, but give half to the people."

fu xuanlin, party history research center:

"the story tells about a deep emotional bond between the red army and the people, the party and the masses, which is inseparable as fish and water. this year marks the 85th anniversary of the start of the long march. we have entered a new era. however, no matter how far the communist party of china has come, we shall never forget why we set out in the first place and the path we have taken in the past."

xinhua news agency correspondents reporting from shazhou, china. 


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